- Gorné, L.D., A.P. Hendry, F. Pelletier, S. Sanderson, C. Correa, C. Arias, M.-O. Beausoleil, M. Boisjoly, E. Crispo, D. Berner, L.F. De León, J.D. DiBattista, G.E. Haines, B.C. Haller, M.T. Kinnison, S. Muttalib, A.E. McKellar, R.E. O’Dea, W.D. Reyes-Corral, Y. Ritchot, K.B. Oke, Z.T. Wood, T. Farrugia, and K.M. Gotanda. 2024. PROCEED v6.1: Phenotypic rates of change evolutionary and ecological database. Ecology. In press.
- Makhrov, A.A., E.Y.K. Houle, A.P. Hendry, A.M. Derry, and D.L. Lajus. 2025. Widespread evidence for rapid recent changes in global range and abundance of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Fish and Fisheries 26:65–82. PDF
- Garcia-Elfring, A., H.L. Roffey, J.M. Abergas, J. Wuyts, A.P. Hendry, A.C. Tzika, and R.D.H. Barrett. 2024. A ball python colour morph implicates MC1R in melanophore-xanthophore distribution and pattern formation. Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research DOI: 10.1111/pcmr.13215 PDF
- Heckley, A.M., D.I. Bolnick, F. Dinh, A.P. Hendry, and N.C. Steinel. 2024. Does mobility-restricting fibrosis influence dispersal? An experiment in nature with threespine stickleback. Ecology and Evolution 14:e70697. PDF
- Salamon, M., L. Astorg, A. Paccard, F. Chain, A.P. Hendry, A.M. Derry, and R.D.H. Barrett. 2024. Limited migration from physiological refugia constrains the rescue of native gastropods facing an invasive predator. Evolutionary Applications 17:e70004. PDF
- Dong, X., M.F. Stokes, A.P. Hendry, L.G. Larsen, and G.A. Dolby. 2024. Geo-evolutionary feedbacks: integrating rapid evolution and landscape change. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 39:863-876. PDF
- De Meester, L., E. Vázquez-Domínguez, R. Kassen, F. Forest, M.R. Bellon, B. Koskella, R.A. Scherson, L. Colli, A.P. Hendry, K.A. Crandall, D.P. Faith, C.J. Starger, Geeta, R., H. Araki, E.M. Dulloo, C. Souffreau, S. Schroer, and M.T.J. Johnson. 2024. A link between evolution and society fostering the UN sustainable development goals. Evolutionary Applications 17:e13728. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., R.D.H. Barrett, A.M. Bell, M.A. Bell, D.I. Bolnick, K.M. Gotanda, G.E. Haines, Å.J. Lind, M. Packer, C.L. Peichel, C.R. Peterson, H.A. Poore, R.L. Massengill, K. Milligan-McClellan, N.C. Steinel, S. Sanderson, M.R. Walsh, J.N. Weber, and A.M. Derry. 2024. Designing eco-evolutionary experiments for restoration projects: Opportunities and constraints revealed during stickleback introductions. Ecology and Evolution 14:e11503. PDF
- Fox, J.A., D.A.G.A. Hunt, A.P. Hendry, L.J. Chapman, and R.D.H. Barrett. 2024. Counter-gradient variation in gene expression between fish populations facilitates colonization of low-dissolved oxygen environments. Molecular Ecology 33:e17419. PDF
- Blondel, L., S. Klemet-N’Guessan, A.P. Hendry, and M.E. Scott. 2024. Parasite load, rather than parasite presence, decreases upstream movement in Trinidadian guppies Poecilia reticulata. Journal of Fish Biology 105:177-185. PDF
- Skovmand, L., R.E. O’Dea, K.A. Greig, K.R. Amato, and A.P. Hendry. 2024. Effects of leaf herbivory and autumn seasonality on plant secondary metabolites: A meta-analysis. Ecology and Evolution 14:e10912. PDF
- Govaert, L., A.P. Hendry, F. Fattahi, and M. Möst. 2024. Quantifying interspecific and intraspecific diversity effects on ecosystem functioning. Ecology 105:e4199. PDF
- Hendry, A.P. 2023. Prediction in ecology and evolution. BioScience 73:785-799. PDF
- Beausoleil, M.-O., P.L. Carrión, J. Podos, C. Camacho, J. Rabadán-González, R. Richard, K. Lalla, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, S.A. Knutie, L.F. De León, J.A. Chaves, D.H. Clayton, J.A.H. Koop, D.M.T. Sharpe, K.M. Gotanda, S.K. Huber, R.D.H. Barrett, and A.P. Hendry. 2023. The fitness landscape of a community of Darwin’s finches. Evolution 77:2533-2546. PDF
- Sharpe, D.M.T., M.P. Valverde, L.F. De León, A.P. Hendry, and M.E. Torchin. 2023. Biological invasions alter the structure of a tropical freshwater food web. Ecology e4173. PDF
- Sanderson, S., D.I. Bolnick, M.T. Kinnison, R.E. O’Dea, L.D. Gorné, A.P. Hendry, and K.M. Gotanda. 2023. Contemporary changes in phenotypic variation, and the potential consequences for eco-evolutionary dynamics. Ecology Letters 26:S127-S139. PDF
- Hunt, D.A.G.A., A.P. Hendry, and L.J. Chapman. 2023. Are we there yet? Inter- and intraspecific approaches to evaluating phenotypic optima in a range expanding East African fish, Enteromius apleurogramma (Cyprinidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 140:296-312. PDF
- Pérez-Ortega, B., and A.P. Hendry. 2023. A meta-analysis of human disturbance effects on glucocorticoid hormones in free-ranging wild vertebrates. Biological Reviews 98:1459-1471. PDF
- Sanderson, S., L. Astorg, G.E. Haines, S. Beaumont-Courteau, R.B. Langerhans, A.M. Derry, and A.P. Hendry. 2023. Freshwater fishes maintain multi-trait phenotypic stability across an environmental gradient in aqueous calcium. Journal of Fish Biology 103:143-154. PDF
- Vignon, M., M. Zhou, A.R. McIntosh, C. Correa, P.A.H. Westley, L. Jacquin, J. Labonne, and A.P. Hendry. 2023. Trait variation in a successful global invader: a large-scale analysis of morphological variance and integration in the brown trout. Biological Invasions 25:1659-1677. PDF
- Garcia-Elfring, A., C.E. Sabin, A.L. Iouchmanov, H.L. Roffey, S.P. Samudra, A.J. Alcala, R.S. Osman, J.D. Lauderdale, A.P. Hendry, D.B. Menke, and R.D.H. Barrett. 2023. Piebaldism and chromatophore development in reptiles is linked to the tfec gene. Current Biology 33:755-763. PDF
- Reyes-Corral, W.D., S. Carvajal-Endara, M. Hetherington-Rauth, J.A. Chaves, P.R. Grant, B.R. Grant, A.P. Hendry, and M.T.J. Johnson. 2023. Phenotypic divergence of traits that mediate antagonistic and mutualistic interactions between island and continental populations of the tropical plant, Tribulus cistoides (Zygophyllaceae). Ecology and Evolution 13:e9766 PDF
- Poore, H.A., Y.E. Stuart, D.J. Rennison, M. Roesti, A.P. Hendry, D.I. Bolnick, and C.L. Peichel. 2023. Repeated genetic divergence plays a minor role in repeated phenotypic divergence of lake-stream stickleback. Evolution 77:110-122. PDF
- Haines, G. E., L. Moisan, A.M. Derry, and A.P. Hendry. 2023. Dimensionality and modularity of adaptive variation: divergence in threespine stickleback from diverse environments. The American Naturalist 201:175-199. PDF (high-resolution version is here).
- Thompson, L.M., L.L. Thurman, C.N. Cook, E.A. Beever, C.M. Sgró, A. Battles, C.A. Botero, J.E. Gross, K.R. Hall, A.P. Hendry, A.A. Hoffmann, C. Hoving, O.E. LeDee, C. Mengelt, A.B. Nicotra, R.A. Niver, F. Pérez-Jvostov, R.M. Quiñones, G.W. Schuurman, M.K. Schwartz, J. Szymanski, and A. Whiteley. 2023. Connecting research and practice to enhance the evolutionary potential of species under climate change. Conservation Science. 2023:e12855 PDF
- Carrión, P.L., J.A.M. Raeymaekers, L.F. De León, J. Chaves, D.M.T. Sharpe, S.K. Huber, A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, K.M. Gotanda, J.A.H. Koop, S.A. Knutie, D.H. Clayton, J. Podos, and A.P. Hendry. 2022. The terroir of the finch: how spatial and temporal variation shapes phenotypic traits in Darwin’s finches. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9399. PDF
- Verrelli, B.C., M. Alberti, S. Des Roches, N.C. Harris, A.P. Hendry, M.T.J. Johnson, A.M. Savage, A. Charmantier, K.M. Gotanda, L. Govaert, L.S. Miles, L.R. Rivkin, K.M. Winchell, K.I. Brans, C. Correa, S.E. Diamond, B. Fitzhugh, N.B. Grimm, S. Hughes, J.M. Marzluff, J. Munshi-South, C. Rojas, J.S. Santangelo, C.J. Schell, J.A. Schweitzer, M. Szulkin, M.C. Urban, Y. Zhou, and C. Ziter. 2022. Global horizon scan for urban evolutionary ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37:1006-1019. PDF
- Heckley, A.M., A.E. Pearce, K.M. Gotanda, A.P. Hendry, and K.B. Oke. 2022. Compiling forty years of guppy research to investigate the determinants of (non)parallel evolution. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 35:1414-1431. PDF
- Gagne, E., B. Perez Ortega, A.P. Hendry, G. Melo-Santos, S.F. Walmsley, M. Rege-Colt, M. Austin, and L.J. May-Collado. 2022. Dolphin communication during widespread systematic noise reduction – a natural experiment amid COVID-19 lockdowns. Frontiers in Remote Sensing 3:934608 PDF.
- Hendry, A.P., C.A. Hendry, A.S. Hendry, H.L. Roffey, and M.A. Hendry. 2022. Performance of wild animals with “broken” traits: movement patterns in nature of moose with leg injuries. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9127 PDF
- Heckley, A.M., J.J.P.R. de Lira, A.P. Hendry, and F. Pérez-Jvostov. 2022. How might Gyrodactylus parasitism modify trade-offs between female preference and susceptibility to predation in Trinidadian guppies? International Journal of Parasitology 52:459-467. PDF
- Hunt, D.A.G.A., J.D DiBattista, and A.P. Hendry. 2022. Effects of insularity on genetic diversity within and among natural populations. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8887 PDF
- Beausoleil, M.-O., C. Camacho, J. Rabadán-González, K. Lalla, R. Richard, P. Carrion-Avilés, A.P. Hendry, and R.D.H. Barrett. 2022. Where did the finch go? Insights from radio telemetry of the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis). Ecology and Evolution 12:e8768 PDF
- Bishop, C., K. Gahm, A.P. Hendry, S.E. Jones, M. Stange, and C.T. Solomon. 2022. Benthic-limnetic morphological variation in fishes: dissolved organic carbon concentration produces unexpected patterns. Ecosphere 13:e3965 PDF
- Sanderson, S., M.-O. Beausoleil, R.E. O’Dea, Z.T. Wood, C. Correa, V. Frankel, LD. Gorné, G.E. Haines, M.T. Kinnison, K.B. Oke, F. Pelletier, F. Pérez-Jvostov, W.D. Reyes-Corral, Y. Ritchot, F. Sorbara, K.M. Gotanda, and A.P. Hendry. 2022. The pace of modern life, revisited. Molecular Ecology 31:1028-1043. PDF
- Urban, M.C., J.M.J. Travis, D. Zurell, P.L. Thompson, N.W. Synes, A. Scarpa, P.R. Peres-Neto, A.-K. Malchow, P.M.A. James, D. Gravel, L. De Meester, C. Brown, G. Bocedi, C.H. Albert, A. Gonzalez, and A.P. Hendry. 2021. Coding for life: designing a platform for projecting and protecting global biodiversity. Bioscience 72:91-104. PDF
- Haenel, Q., K.B. Oke, T.G. Laurentino, A.P. Hendry, and D. Berner. 2021. Clinal genomic analysis reveals strong reproductive isolation across a steep habitat transition in stickleback fish. Nature Communications 12:4850. PDF
- Castañeda, R. A., A.P. Hendry, D.B. Conn, and A. Ricciardi. 2021. Cold tolerance varies among invasive populations of the Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea). Canadian Journal of Zoology 99:729-740. PDF
- Sanderson, S., A.M. Derry, and A.P. Hendry. 2021. Phenotypic stability in scalar calcium of freshwater fish across a wide range of aqueous calcium availability in nature. Ecology and Evolution 11:6053-6056. PDF
- Garcia-Elfring, A., A. Paccard, T.J. Thurman, B.A. Wasserman, E.P. Palkovacs, A.P. Hendry, and R.D.H. Barrett. 2021. Using seasonal genomic changes to understand historical adaptation to new environments: Parallel selection on stickleback in highly-variable estuaries. Molecular Ecology 30:2054-2064. PDF
- de Lira, J.J.P.R., Y. Yan, S. Levasseur, C.D. Kelly, and A.P. Hendry. 2021. The complex ecology of genitalia: gonopodium length and allometry in the Trinidadian guppy. Ecology and Evolution 11:4564-4576. PDF
- Blondel, L., I.G. Paterson, P. Bentzen, and A.P. Hendry. 2021. Resistance and resilience of genetic and phenotypic diversity to “black swan” flood events: a retrospective analysis with historical samples of guppies. Molecular Ecology 30:1017-1028. PDF
- Astorg, L., S. Sanderson, V. Côté-Gravel, F. Sorbara, M.J.S. Windle, A.P. Hendry, and A.M. Derry. 2021. Different refuges dampen exotic invasion and enhance diversity at the whole ecosystem scale in a heterogeneous river system. Biological Invasions. 23:443-460. PDF
- Labonne, J., A. Manicki, L. Chevalier, M. Tétillon, F. Guéraud, and A.P. Hendry. 2021. Using reciprocal transplants to assess local adaptation, genetic rescue, and sexual selection in newly established populations. Genes 12:5. DOI: 10.3390/genes12010005 PDF
- Sharpe, D.M.T., J.J.P.R. de Lira, G.E. Brown, M.E. Torchin, and A.P. Hendry. 2020. Testing the prey naiveté hypothesis: Can native prey (Astyanax ruberrimus) recognize an introduced top predator, Cichla monoculus? Biological Invasions 23:205-219. PDF
- Stange, M., R.D.H. Barrett, and A.P. Hendry. 2020. The importance of genomic variation for biodiversity, ecosystems and people. Nature Reviews Genetics 22:89-105. PDF
- Des Roches, S., K.I. Brans, M.R. Lambert, L.R. Rivkin, A.M. Savage, C.J. Schell, C. Correa, L. De Meester, S.E. Diamond, N.B. Grimm, N.C. Harris, L. Govaert, A.P. Hendry, M.T.J. Johnson, J. Munshi-South, E.P. Palkovacs, M. Szulkin, M.C. Urban, B.C. Verrelli, and M. Alberti. 2020. Socio-eco-evolutionary dynamics in cities. Evolutionary Applications 14:248-267. PDF
- Haines, G.E., Y.E. Stuart, D. Hanson, T. Tasneem, D.I. Bolnick, H.C.E. Larsson, and A.P. Hendry. 2020. Adding the third dimension to studies of parallel evolution of morphology and function: an exploration based on parapatric lake-stream stickleback. Ecology and Evolution 10:13297-13311. PDF
- Wasserman, B.A., A. Paccard, T.M. Apgar, S. Des Roches, R.D.H. Barrett, A.P. Hendry, and E.P. Palkovacs. 2020. Ecosystem size shapes antipredator trait evolution in estuarine threespine stickleback. Oikos. DOI: 10.1111/oik.07482. PDF
- Alberti, M., E.P. Palkovacs, S. Des Roches, L. De Meester, K.I. Brans, L. Govaert, N.B. Grimm, N.C. Harris, A.P. Hendry, C.J. Schell, M. Szulkin, J. Munshi-South, M.C. Urban, and B.C. Verrelli. 2020. The complexity of urban eco-evolutionary dynamics. BioScience 70:772-793. PDF
- Oke, K.B., C.J. Cunningham, P.A.H. Westley, M.L. Baskett, S.M. Carlson, J. Clark, A.P. Hendry, V.A. Karatayev, N.W. Kendall, J. Kibele, H.K. Kindsvater, K.M. Kobayashi, B. Lewis, S. Munch, J.D. Reynolds, G.K. Vick, and E.P. Palkovacs. 2020. Recent declines in salmon body size impact ecosystems and people. Nature Communications 11:4155. PDF
- Urban, M.C., S.Y. Strauss, F. Pelletier, E.P. Palkovacs, M.A. Leibold, A.P. Hendry, L. De Meester, S.M. Carlson, A.L. Angert, and S.T. Giery. 2020. Evolutionary origins for ecological patterns in space. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 117:17482-17490. PDF
- Camacho, C., and A.P. Hendry. 2020. Matching habitat choice: it’s not for everyone. Oikos 129:689-699. PDF
- Pérez -Jvostov, F., W.J. Sutherland, R.D.H. Barrett, C.A. Brown, J.A. Cardille, S.J. Cooke, M.E. Cristescu, N.F. St.-Gelais, G.F. Fussmann, K. Griffiths, A.P. Hendry, N.W.R. Lapointe, E.A. Nyboer, R.L. Pentland, A.J. Reid, A. Ricciardi, J.M. Sunday, and I. Gregory-Eaves. 2020. Horizon scan of conservation issues for inland waters in Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77:869-881. PDF
- Blondel, L., S. Klemet-N’Guessan, M.E. Scott, and A.P. Hendry. 2020. Asymmetric isolation and the evolution of behaviors influencing dispersal: rheotaxis of guppies above waterfalls. Genes 11:180. PDF
- Gillespie, R.G., G.M. Bennett, L. De Meester, J.L. Feder, R.C. Fleischer, L.J. Harmon, A.P. Hendry, M.L. Knope, J. Mallet, C. Martin, C.E. Parent, A.H. Patton, K.S. Pfennig, D. Rubinoff, D. Schluter, O. Seehausen, K.L. Shaw, E. Stacy, M. Stervander, J.T. Stroud, C. Wagner, and G.O.U. Wogan. 2020. Comparing adaptive radiations across space, time, and taxa. Journal of Heredity 111:1-20. PDF
- Paccard, A., D. Hanson, Y.E. Stuart, F.A. von Hippel, M. Kalbe, T. Klepaker, S. Skúlason, B.K. Kristjánsson, D.I. Bolnick, A.P. Hendry, and R.D.H. Barrett. 2020. Repeatability of adaptive radiation depends on spatial scale: regional versus global replicates of stickleback in lake versus stream habitats. Journal of Heredity 111:43-56. PDF
- Carvajal-Endara, S., A.P. Hendry, N.C. Emery, C.P. Neu, D. Carmona, K.M. Gotanda, T.J. Davies, J.A. Chaves, and M.T.J. Johnson. 2019. The ecology and evolution of seed predation by Darwin’s finches on Tribulus cistoides in the Galápagos Islands. Ecological Monographs 90:e01392. PDF
- Beausoleil, M.-O., L.O. Frishkoff, L.K. M’Gonigle, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, S.A. Knutie, L.F. De León, S.K. Huber, J.A. Chaves, D.H. Clayton, J.A.H. Koop, J. Podos, D. Sharpe, A.P. Hendry, and R.D.H. Barrett. 2019. Temporally varying disruptive selection in the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis). Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences 286:20192290. PDF
- Oke, K.B., C.J. Cunningham, T.P. Quinn, and A.P. Hendry. 2019. Independent lineages in a common environment: the roles of determinism and contingency in shaping the migration time of even- versus odd-year pink salmon over broad spatial and temporal scales. Ecology Letters 22:1547-1556. PDF
- O’Dea, R.E., M. Lagisz, A.P. Hendry, and S. Nakagawa. 2019. Developmental temperature affects phenotypic means and variability: a meta-analysis of fish data. Fish & Fisheries 20:1005-1022. PDF
- Leigh, D.M., A.P. Hendry, E. Vázquez-Domínguez, and V.L. Friesen. 2019. Six percent loss of genetic variation in wild populations since the industrial revolution. Evolutionary Applications 12:1505-1512. PDF
- Brady, S.P., D.I. Bolnick, R.D.H. Barrett, L.J. Chapman, E. Crispo, A.M. Derry, C.G. Eckert, D.J. Fraser, G.F. Fussmann, A. Gonzalez, F. Guichard, T. Lamy, J.E. Lane, A.G. McAdam, A.E.M. Newman, A. Paccard, B.A. Robertson, G. Rolshausen, P.M. Schulte, A.M. Simons, M. Vellend, and A.P. Hendry. In press. Understanding maladaptation by uniting ecological and evolutionary perspectives. American Naturalist 194:495-515. PDF
- Brady, S.P., D.I. Bolnick, A.L. Angert, A. Gonzalez, R.D.H. Barrett, E. Crispo, A.M. Derry, C.G. Eckert, D.J. Fraser, G.F. Fussmann, F. Guichard, T. Lamy, A.G. McAdam, A.E.M. Newman, A. Paccard, G. Rolshausen, A.M. Simons, and A.P. Hendry. 2019. Causes of maladaptation. Evolutionary Applications 12:1229-1242. PDF
- Geladi, I., L. F. De León, M. E. Torchin, A.P. Hendry, R. González, and D.M.T. Sharpe. 2019. 100-year time-series reveal little morphological change following impoundment and predator invasion in two Neotropical characids. Evolutionary Applications 12:1385-1401. PDF
- De León, L.F., D.M.T. Sharpe, K.M. Gotanda, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, J.A. Chaves, A.P. Hendry, and J. Podos. 2019. Urbanization erodes niche segregation in Darwin’s finches. Evolutionary Applications 12:1329-1343. PDF
- Dargent, F., L. Chen, G. Fussmann, C.K. Ghalambor, and A.P. Hendry. 2019. Female preference for novel males constrains the contemporary evolution of assortative mating in guppies. Behavioral Ecology 30:646-657. PDF
- Blondel, L., L. Baillie, J. Quinton, J.B. Alemu, I. Paterson, A.P. Hendry, and P. Bentzen. 2019. Evidence for contemporary and historical gene flow between guppies in different watersheds – with a test for potential adaptive consequences. Ecology and Evolution. 9:4504-4517. PDF
- Rifkin, L.R., J.S. Santangelo, M. Alberti, M.F.J. Aronson, C.W. de Keyzer, S.E. Diamond, M.-J. Fortin, L.J. Frazee, A.J. Gorton, A.P. Hendry, Y. Liu, J.B. Losos, J.S. MacIvor, R.A. Martin, M.J. McDonnell, L.S. Miles, J. Munshi-South, R.W. Ness, A.E.M. Newman, M.R. Stothart, P. Theodorou, K.A. Thompson, B.C. Verrelli, A. Whitehead, K.M. Winchell, and M.T.J. Johnson. 2019. A roadmap for urban evolutionary ecology. Evolutionary Applications. 12:384-398. PDF
- Dakos, V., B. Matthews, A.P. Hendry, J. Levine, N. Loeuille, J. Norberg, P. Nosil, M. Scheffer, and L. De Meester. 2019. Ecosystem tipping points in an evolving world. Nature Ecology and Evolution 3:355-362. NEE or bioRxiv
- Oke, K.B., E. Motivans, T.P. Quinn, and A.P. Hendry. 2019. Sexual dimorphism modifies habitat-associated divergence: evidence from beach and creek breeding sockeye salmon. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 32:227-242. PDF
- Hendry, A.P. 2019. A critique for eco-evolutionary dynamics. Functional Ecology 33:84-94. PDF
- Govaert, L., E.A. Fronhofer, S. Lion, C. Eizaguirre, D. Bonte, M. Egas, A.P. Hendry, A.D.B. Martins, C.J. Melián, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, I.I. Ratikainen, B.-E. Saether, J.A. Schweitzer, and B. Matthews. 2019. Eco-evolutionary feedbacks – theoretical models and perspectives. Functional Ecology 33:13-30. PDF
- Gotanda, K.M., A. Pack, C. Leblond, and A.P. Hendry. 2019. Do replicates of independent guppy lineages evolve similarly in a predator-free laboratory environment? Ecology and Evolution 9:36-51. PDF
- de Lira, J.J.P.R., F. Peréz-Jvostov, K.M. Gotanda, S. Kou-Giesbrecht, S.K. Pease, M. Jackson, S. Jersch, and A.P. Hendry. 2018. Testing for a whole-organism trade-off between natural and sexual selection: are the male guppies preferred by females more likely to get eaten by predators. Evolutionary Ecology Research 19:441-453. PDF
- Fugère, V., and A.P. Hendry. 2018. Human influences on the strength of phenotypic selection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 115:10070-10075. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., D.J. Schoen, M.E. Wolak, and J.M. Reid. 2018. The contemporary evolution of fitness. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 49:457–476. PDF
- Skovmand, L.H., C.C.Y. Xu, M.R. Servedio, P. Nosil, R.D.H. Barrett, and A.P. Hendry. 2018. Keystone genes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33:689-700. PDF
- Rolshausen, G., T.J. Davies, and A.P. Hendry. 2018. Evolutionary rates standardized for evolutionary space: perspectives on trait evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33:379-389. PDF
- Paccard, A., B.A. Wasserman, D. Hanson, L. Astorg, D. Durston, S. Kurland, T.M. Apgar, R.W. El-Sabaawi, E.P. Palkovacs, A.P. Hendry, and R.D.H. Barrett. 2018. Adaptation in temporally variable environments: stickleback armor in periodically breaching bar-built estuaries. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31:735-752. PDF
- Côte, J., A. Boniface, S. Blanchet, A.P. Hendry, J. Gasparini, and L. Jacquin. 2018. Melanin-based coloration and host-parasite interactions under global change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences 285:20180285. PDF
- Des Roches, S., D.M. Post, N.E. Turley, J.K. Bailey, A.P. Hendry, M.T. Kinnison, J.A. Schweitzer, and E.P. Palkovacs. 2018. The ecological importance of intraspecific variation. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2:57-64. PDF
- Rudman, S.M., M.A. Barbour, K. Csilléry, P. Gienapp, F. Guillaume, N.G. Hairston Jr., A.P. Hendry, J.R. Lasky, M. Rafajlović, K. Räsänen, P.S. Schmidt, O. Seehausen, N.O. Therkildsen, M.M. Turcotte, and J.M. Levine. 2018. What genomic data can reveal about eco-evolutionary dynamics. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2:9-15. PDF
- Lighten, J., A.S.T. Papadopulos, R.S. Mohammed, B.J. Ward, I. Paterson, L. Baillie, I.R. Bradbury, A.P. Hendry, P. Bentzen, and C. van Oosterhout. 2017. Evolutionary genetics of immunological supertypes reveals two faces of the Red Queen. Nature Communications 8:1294. PDF
- Hanson, D., J. Hu, A.P. Hendry, and R.D.H. Barrett. 2017. Heritable gene expression differences between lake and stream stickleback include both parallel and antiparallel components. Heredity 119:339-348. PDF
- Thompson, C.J., N.I. Ahmed, T. Veen, C.L. Peichel, A.P. Hendry, D.I. Bolnick, and Y.E. Stuart. 2017. Many-to-one form-to-function mapping weakens parallel evolution. Evolution 71:2738-2749. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., and D.M. Green. 2017. Eco-evolutionary dynamics in cold blood. Copeia 105:441-450. PDF
- Pérez-Jvostov, F., A.P. Hendry, G.F. Fussmann, and M.E. Scott. 2017. Experimental assessment in nature of the ecological effects of a specialist parasite. Copeia 105:494-503. PDF
- Gordon, S.P., A.P. Hendry, and D. Reznick. 2017. Predator-induced contemporary evolution, phenotypic plasticity, and the evolution of reaction norms in guppies. Copeia 105:514-522. PDF
- Alberti, M., C. Correa, J. Marzluff, A.P. Hendry, E.P. Palkovacs, K. Gotanda, V.M. Hunt, T.M. Apgar, and Y. Zhou. 2017. Global urban signatures of phenotypic change in animal and plant populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 114:8951-8956. PDF
- Stuart, Y.E., T. Veen, J.N. Weber, D. Hanson, M. Ravinet, B.K. Lohman, C.J. Thompson, T. Tasneem, A. Doggett, R. Izen, N. Ahmed, R.D.H. Barrett, A.P. Hendry, C.L. Peichel, and D.I. Bolnick. 2017. Contrasting effects of environment and genetics generate a predictable continuum of parallel evolution. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1:0158. PDF
- Oke, K.B., G. Rolshausen, C. LeBlond, and A.P. Hendry. 2017. How parallel is parallel evolution? A comparative analysis in fishes. American Naturalist 190:1-16. PDF
- Carvajal-Endara, S., A.P. Hendry, N. Emery, and T.J. Davies. 2017. Habitat filtering not dispersal limitation shapes oceanic island floras: species assembly of the Galápagos archipelago. Ecology Letters 20:495-504. PDF
- Mimura, M., T. Yahara, D.P. Faith, E. Vázquez-Domínguez, R. I. Colautti, H. Araki, F. Javadi, J. Núñez-Farfán, A.S. Mori, S. Zhou, P.M. Hollingsworth, L.E. Neaves, Y. Fukano, G.F. Smith, Y.-I. Sato, H. Tachida, and A.P. Hendry. 2017. Understanding and monitoring the consequences of human impacts on intraspecific variation. Evolutionary Applications 10:121-139. PDF
- Jacquin, L., C. Dybwad, G. Rolshausen, A.P. Hendry, and S.M. Reader. 2017. Evolutionary and immediate effects of crude-oil pollution: depression of exploratory behaviour across populations of Trinidadian guppies. Animal Cognition 20:97-108. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., K.M. Gotanda, and E.I. Svensson. 2017. Human influences on evolution, and the ecological and societal consequences. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences 372:20160028. PDF
- Urban, M.C., G. Bocedi, A.P. Hendry, J.-B. Mihoub, G. Pe’er, A. Singer, J.R. Bridle, L.G. Crozier, L. De Meester, W. Godsoe, A. Gonzalez, J.J. Hellmann, R.D. Holt, A. Huth, K. Johst, C.B. Krug, P.W. Leadley, S.C.F. Palmer, J.H. Pantel, A. Schmitz, P.A. Zollner, and J.M.J. Travis. 2016. Improving the forecast for biodiversity under climate change. Science 353:1113 & aad8466:1-9. PDF
- Hanson, D., J.-S. Moore, E.B. Taylor, R.D.H. Barrett, and A.P. Hendry. 2016. Assessing reproductive isolation using a contact zone between parapatric lake-stream stickleback ecotypes. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29:2491-2501. PDF
- Gauthey, Z., A.P. Hendry, A. Elosegi, C. Tentelier, and J. Labonne. 2016. The context dependence of assortative mating: a demonstration with conspecific salmonid populations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29:1827-1835. PDF
- Chaves, J.A., E.A. Cooper, A.P. Hendry, J. Podos, L.F. De León, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, W. O. McMillan, and J. A. C. Uy. 2016. Genomic variation at the tips of the adaptive radiation of Darwin’s finches. Molecular Ecology 25:5282-5295. PDF
- Jacquin, L., S. M. Reader, A. Boniface, J. Mateluna, I. Patalas, F. Pérez-Jvostov, and A.P. Hendry. 2016. Parallel and non-parallel behavioural evolution in response to parasitism and predation in Trinidadian guppies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29:1406-1422. PDF
- Pérez-Jvostov, F., A.P. Hendry, G.F. Fussmann, and M.E. Scott. 2016. An experimental test of antagonistic effects of competition and parasitism on host performance in semi-natural mesocosms. Oikos 125:790-796. PDF
- Labonne, J., R. Kaeuffer, F. Guéraud, M. Zhou, A. Manicki, and A.P. Hendry. 2016. From the bare minimum: genetics and selection in populations founded by only a few parents. Evolutionary Ecology Research 17:21–34.
- Oke, K.B., M. Bukhari, R. Kaeuffer, G. Rolshausen, K. Räsänen, D.I. Bolnick, C.L. Peichel, and A.P. Hendry. 2016. Does plasticity enhance or dampen phenotypic parallelism? A test with three lake-stream stickleback pairs. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29:126–143. PDF
- Hanson, D., R. Barrett, and A.P. Hendry. 2016. Testing for parallel allochronic isolation in lake-stream stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29:47–57. PDF
- Dargent, F., G. Rolshausen, A.P. Hendry, M. E. Scott, and G. F. Fussmann. 2016. Parting ways: parasite release in nature leads to sex-specific evolution of defense. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29:23–34. PDF
- Hendry, A.P. 2016. Key questions on the role of phenotypic plasticity in eco-evolutionary dynamics. Journal of Heredity 107:25–41. PDF
- Kinnison, M.T., N. G. Hairston Jr., and A.P. Hendry. 2015. Cryptic eco-evolutionary dynamics. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1360:120–144. PDF
- Rolshausen, G., D.A.T. Phillip, D.M. Beckles, A. Akbari, S. Ghoshal, P.B. Hamilton, C.R. Tyler, A.G. Scarlett, I. Ramnarine, P. Bentzen, and A.P. Hendry. 2015. Do stressful conditions make adaptation difficult? Guppies in the oil-polluted environments of southern Trinidad. Evolutionary Applications 8:854–870. PDF
- Rolshausen, G., S. Muttalib, R. Kaeuffer, K. B. Oke, D. Hanson, and A.P. Hendry. 2015. When maladaptive gene flow does not increase selection. Evolution 69:2289–2302. PDF
- Gras, R., A. Golestani, M. Cristescu, and A.P. Hendry. 2015. Speciation without pre-defined fitness functions. PLoS ONE 10:e0137838. PDF
- Frankel, V.M., A.P. Hendry, G. Rolshausen, and M.E. Torchin. 2015. Host preference of an introduced ‘generalist’ parasite for a non-native host. International Journal of Parasitology 45:703-709. PDF
- Gotanda, K.M., C. Correa, M.M. Turcotte, G. Rolshausen, and A.P. Hendry. 2015. Linking macrotrends and microrates: Re-evaluating microevolutionary support for Cope’s rule. Evolution 69:1345–1354. PDF
- Pérez-Jvostov, F., A.P. Hendry, G.F. Fussmann, and M.E. Scott. 2015. Testing for host-parasite local adaptation: an experiment with Gyrodactylus ectoparasites and guppy hosts. International Journal of Parasitology 45:409–417. PDF
- Farkas, T.E., A.P. Hendry, P. Nosil, and A.P. Beckerman. 2015. How maladaptation can structure biodiversity: eco-evolutionary island biogeography. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30:154–160. PDF
- Haller, B.C., J.M. de Vos, B. Keller, A.P. Hendry, and E. Conti. 2014. A tale of two morphs: Modeling pollen transfer, magic traits, and reproductive isolation in parapatry. PLoS ONE 9:e106512. PDF
- Roesti, M., S. Gavrilets, A.P. Hendry, W. Salzburger, and D. Berner. 2014. The genomic signature of parallel adaptation from shared genetic variation. Molecular Ecology 23:3944-3956. PDF
- De León, L.F., J. Podos, T. Gardezi, A. Herrel, and A.P. Hendry. 2014. Darwin’s finches and their diet niches: the sympatric co-existence of imperfect generalists. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27:1093-1104. PDF
- Gotanda, K.M., and A.P. Hendry. 2014. Using adaptive traits to consider potential consequences of temporal variation in selection: male guppy colour through time and space. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112:108-122. PDF
- Räsänen, K., and A.P. Hendry. 2014. Asymmetric reproductive barriers and mosaic reproductive isolation: insights from Misty lake-stream stickleback. Ecology and Evolution 4:1166-1175. PDF
- Haller, B.C., and A.P. Hendry. 2014. Solving the paradox of stasis: squashed stabilizing selection and the limits of detection. Evolution 68:483-500. PDF
- Feldheim, K.A., S.H. Gruber, J.D. DiBattista, E.A. Babcock, S.A. Kessel, A.P. Hendry, E.K. Pikitch, M.V. Ashley, and D.D. Chapman. 2014. Two decades of genetic profiling yields first evidence of natal philopatry and long-term fidelity to parturition sites in sharks. Molecular Ecology 23:111-117. PDF
- Merilä, J. & A.P. Hendry. 2014. Climate change, evolution, and phenotypic plasticity: the problem and the evidence. Evolutionary Applications 7:1-14. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., R. Kaeuffer, E. Crispo, C.L. Peichel, and D.I. Bolnick. 2013. Evolutionary inferences from the analysis of exchangeability. Evolution 67:3429-3441. PDF
- Hendry, A.P. 2013. Key questions in the genetics and genomics of eco-evolutionary dynamics. Heredity 111:456-466. PDF
- Dargent, F., M.E. Scott, A.P. Hendry, and G.F. Fussmann. 2013. Experimental elimination of parasites in nature leads to the evolution of increased resistance in hosts. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences 280:20132371. PDF
- Derry, A.M., A.M. Kestrup, and A.P. Hendry. 2013. Possible influences of plasticity and genetic/maternal effects on species co-existence: native Gammarus fasciatus (Amphipoda) facing exotic amphipods. Functional Ecology 27:1212-1223. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., C.L. Peichel, B. Matthews, J.W. Boughman, and P. Nosil. 2013. Stickleback research: the now and the next. Evolutionary Ecology Research 15:111-141. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., A.S. Hendry, and C.A. Hendry. 2013. Hendry Vineyard Stickleback: testing for contemporary lake-stream divergence. Evolutionary Ecology Research 15: 343-359. PDF
- Baker, J.A., K. Räsänen, J.-S. Moore, and A.P. Hendry. 2013. Genetic and plastic contributions to trait divergence between parapatric habitats: female life-history traits in threespine stickleback from the Misty Lake system. Evolutionary Ecology Research 15:473-487. PDF
- Gotanda, K.M., L.C. DeLaire, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, F. Pérez-Jvostov, F. Dargent, P. Bentzen, M.E. Scott, G.F. Fussmann, and A.P. Hendry. 2013. Adding parasites to the guppy-predation story: insights from field surveys. Oecologia 172:155-166. PDF
- De León, L. F., G. Rolshausen, E. Bermingham, J. Podos, and A. P. Hendry. 2012. Individual specialization and the seeds of adaptive radiation in Darwin’s finches. Evolutionary Ecology Research 14:365-380. PDF
- Pérez-Jvostov, F., A.P. Hendry, G.F. Fussmann, and M.E. Scott. 2012. Are host-parasite interactions influenced by adaptation to predators? A test with guppies and Gyrodactylus in experimental stream channels. Oecologia 170:77-88. PDF
- Correa, C., A. Bravo, and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Reciprocal trophic niche shifts in native and invasive fish: salmonids and galaxiids in Patagonian lakes. Freshwater Biology 57:1769-1781. PDF
- Elias, M., R. Fara, Z. Gompert, and A. Hendry. 2012 Factors influencing progress toward ecological speciation. International Journal of Ecology Article ID 235010. PDF
- Roesti, M., A.P. Hendry, W. Salzburger, and D. Berner. 2012. Genome divergence during evolutionary diversification revealed in replicate lake-stream stickleback population pairs. Molecular Ecology 21:2852-2862. PDF
- Correa, C., and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Invasive salmonids and lake order interact in the decline of puye grande Galaxias platei in western Patagonia lakes. Ecological Applications 22:828-842. PDF
- Räsänen, K., M. Delcourt, L.J. Chapman, and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Divergent selection and then what not: the puzzle of missing reproductive isolation in Misty lake and stream stickleback. International Journal of Ecology. Article ID 902438. PDF
- Palkovacs, E.P., M.T. Kinnison, C. Correa, C.M. Dalton, and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Fates beyond traits: ecological consequences of human-induced trait change. Evolutionary Applications 5:183-191. PDF
- Kaeuffer, R., Peichel, C.L., D. Bolnick, and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Parallel and non-parallel aspects of ecological, phenotypic, and genetic divergence across replicate population pairs of lake and stream stickleback. Evolution 66:402-418. PDF
- Millar, N.P., and A.P. Hendry. 2012. Population divergence of private and non-private signals in wild guppies. Environmental Biology of Fishes 94:513-525. PDF
- De León, L.F., J.A.M. Raeymaekers, E. Bermingham, J. Podos, A. Herrel, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Exploring possible human influences on the evolution of Darwin’s finches. Evolution 65:2258-2272. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., K. Hudson, J.A. Walker, K. Räsänen, and L. Chapman. 2011. Genetic divergence in morphology-performance mapping between Misty Lake and inlet stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:23-35. PDF
- Carlson, S.M., T.P. Quinn, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Eco-evolutionary dynamics in Pacific salmon. Heredity 106:438-447. PDF
- McKellar, A.E., and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Environmental factors influencing adult sex ratio in Poecilia reticulata: laboratory experiments. Journal of Fish Biology 79:937-953. PDF
- Easty, L.K., A.K. Schwartz, S.P. Gordon, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Does sexual selection evolve following introduction to new environments? Animal Behavior 82:1085-1095. PDF
- Thibert-Plante, X., and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Factors influencing progress toward ecological speciation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:2186-2196. PDF
- Berner, D., R. Kaeuffer, A.-C. Grandchamp, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, K. Räsänen, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Quantitative genetic inheritance of morphological divergence in a lake-stream stickleback ecotype pair: implications for reproductive isolation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:1975-1983. PDF
- van der Sluijs, I., S.M. Gray, M.C.P. Amorim, I. Barber, U. Candolin, A.P. Hendry, R. Krahe, M.E. Maan, A.C. Utne-Palm, H.-J. Wagner, and B.B.M. Wong. 2011. Communication in troubled waters: Responses of fish communication systems to changing environments. Evolutionary Ecology 25:623-640. PDF
- Weese, D.J., A.K. Schwartz, P. Bentzen, A.P. Hendry, and M.T. Kinnison. 2011. Eco-evolutionary effects on population recovery following catastrophic disturbance. Evolutionary Applications 4:354-366. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., M.T. Kinnison, M. Heino, T. Day, T.B. Smith, G. Fitt, C. T. Bergstrom, J. Oakeshott, P.S. Jørgensen, M.P. Zalucki, G. Gilchrist, S. Southerton, A. Sih, S. Strauss, R.F. Denison, and S.P. Carroll. 2011. Evolutionary principles and their practical application. Evolutionary Applications 4:159-183. PDF
- Thibert-Plante, X., and A.P. Hendry. 2011. The consequences of phenotypic plasticity for ecological speciation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:326-342. PDF
- DiBattista, J.D., K.A. Feldheim, D. Garant, S.H. Gruber, and A.P. Hendry. 2011. Anthropogenic disturbance and evolutionary parameters: a lemon shark population experiencing habitat loss. Evolutionary Applications 4:1-17. PDF
- Schwartz, A.K., D.J. Weese, P. Bentzen, M.T. Kinnison, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Both geography and ecology contribute to mating isolation in guppies. PLoS ONE 5:e15659. PDF
- Raeymaekers, J.A.M., M. Boisjoly, L. Delaire, D. Berner, K. Räsänen, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Testing for mating isolation between ecotypes: laboratory experiments with lake, stream, and hybrid stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23:2694-2798. PDF
- Berner, D., M. Rosti, A.P. Hendry, and W. Salzburger. 2010. Constraints on speciation suggested by comparing lake-stream stickleback divergence across two continents. Molecular Ecology 19:4963-4978. PDF
- Faith, D.P., S. Magallón, A.P. Hendry, E. Conti, T. Yahara, and M.J. Donoghue. In press. Evosystem services: an evolutionary perspective on the links between biodiversity and human well-being. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2:66-74. PDF
- Thibert-Plante, X., and A.P. Hendry. 2010. When can ecological speciation be detected with neutral loci? Molecular Ecology 19:2301-2314. PDF
- Labonne, J., and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Natural selection can giveth and taketh away reproductive barriers: models of population divergence in guppies. American Naturalist 176:26-39. PDF
- Weese, D., S. Gordon, A.P. Hendry, and M.T. Kinnison. 2010. Spatiotemporal variation in linear natural selection on body color in wild guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Evolution 64:1802-1815. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., L.G. Lohmann, E. Conti, J. Cracraft, K.A. Crandall, D.P. Faith, C. Häuser, C.A. Joly, K. Kogure, A. Larigauderie, S. Magallón, C. Moritz, S. Tillier, R. Zardoya, A.-H. Prieur-Richard, B.A. Walther, T. Yahara, and M.J. Donoghue. 2010. Evolutionary biology in biodiversity science, conservation, and policy: a call to action. Evolution 64:1517-1528. PDF
- De León, L.F., E. Bermingham, J. Podos, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Divergence with gene flow as facilitated by ecological differences: within-island variation in Darwin’s finches. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. B. Biological Sciences 365:1041–1052. PDF
- Schwartz, A.K., and A.P. Hendry. 2010. Testing the influence of local forest canopy clearing on phenotypic variation in Trinidadian guppies. Functional Ecology 24:354–364. PDF
- Crispo, E., J.D. DiBattista, C. Correa, X. Thibert-Plante, A.E. McKellar, A.K. Schwartz, D. Berner, L.F. De León, and A.P. Hendry. 2010. The evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to anthropogenic disturbance. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12:47-66. PDF
- Hendry, A. P., D. I. Bolnick, D. Berner, and C. L. Peichel. 2009. Along the speciation continuum in stickleback. Journal of Fish Biology 75:2000-2036. PDF
- McKellar, A.E., and A.P. Hendry. 2009. How humans differ from other animals in their levels of morphological variation. PLoS ONE 4:e6876. PDF
- Raeymaekers, J.A.M., L. Delaire, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Genetically-based differences in nest characteristics between lake, inlet, and hybrid threespine stickleback from the Misty system, British Columbia, Canada. Evolutionary Ecology Research 11:905–919. PDF
- Lahti, D.C., N.A. Johnson, B.C. Ajie, S.P. Otto, A.P. Hendry, D.T. Blumstein, R.G. Coss, K. Donohue, and S.A. Foster. 2009. Relaxed selection in the wild. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24:487-496. PDF
- Hendry, A. P. 2009. Ecological speciation! Or the lack thereof? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66: 1383–1398. [J. C. Stevenson Memorial Lecture, 2008] PDF
- Sharpe, D.M.T., and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Life history change in commercially exploited fish stocks: an analysis of trends across studies. Evolutionary Application 2:260–275. PDF
- Pelletier, F., D. Garant, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Eco-evolutionary dynamics. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B. Biological Sciences 364:1483-1489. PDF
- Moore, J.-S., and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Can gene flow have negative demographic consequences? Mixed evidence from stream threespine stickleback. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences 364:1533-1542. PDF
- Gordon, S.P., D.N. Reznick, M.T. Kinnison, M.J. Bryant, D.J. Weese, K. Räsänen, N.P. Millar, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Adaptive changes in life history and survival following a new guppy introduction. American Naturalist 174:34-45. PDF
- Berner, D., A.-C. Grandchamp, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Variable progress toward ecological speciation in parapatry: stickleback across eight lake-stream transitions. Evolution 63:1740-1753. PDF
- DiBattista, J.D., K.A. Feldheim, D. Garant, S.H. Gruber, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Evolutionary potential of a large marine vertebrate: quantitative genetic parameters in a wild population. Evolution 63:1051-1067. PDF
- McKellar, A.E., M.M. Turcotte, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Environmental factors influencing adult sex ratio in Trinidadian guppies. Oecologia 159:735-745. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., S.K. Huber, L. De León, A. Herrel, and J. Podos. 2009. Disruptive selection in a bimodal population of Darwin’s finches. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences 276:753-759. PDF
- Herrel, A., J. Podos, B. Vanhooydonck, and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Force-velocity trade-off in Darwin’s finch jaw function: a biomechanical basis for ecological speciation? Functional Ecology 23:119-125. PDF
- Thibert-Plante, X., and A.P. Hendry. 2009. Five questions on ecological speciation addressed with individual-based simulations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22:109-123. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., and A. Gonzalez. 2008. Whither adaptation? Biology and Philosophy 23:673-699. PDF
- Berner, D., D.C. Adams, A.-C. Grandchamp, and A.P. Hendry. 2008. Natural selection drives patterns of lake-stream divergence in stickleback foraging morphology. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21:1653-1665. PDF
- Delcourt, M., K. Räsänen, and A.P. Hendry. 2008. Genetic and plastic components of divergent male intersexual behavior in Misty lake/stream stickleback. Behavioral Ecology 19:1217-1224. PDF
- Sharpe, D.M.T., K. Räsänen, D. Berner, A.P. Hendry. 2008. Genetic and environmental contributions to the morphology of lake and stream stickleback: implications for gene flow and reproductive isolation. Evolutionary Ecology Research 10:849-866. PDF
- Räsänen, K., and A.P. Hendry. 2008. Disentangling interactions between adaptive divergence and gene flow when ecology drives diversification. Ecology Letters 11:624-626. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., T. Farrugia, and M.T. Kinnison. 2008. Human influences on rates of phenotypic change in wild animal populations. Molecular Ecology 17:20-29. PDF
- Foster, D., J. Podos, and A.P. Hendry. 2008. A geometric morphometric appraisal of beak shape in Darwin’s finches. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21:263-275. PDF
- DiBattista, J.D., K.A. Feldheim, X. Thibert-Plante, S.H. Gruber, and A.P. Hendry. 2008b. A genetic assessment of polyandry and breeding site fidelity in lemon sharks. Molecular Ecology 17:3337-3351. PDF
- DiBattista, J.D., K.A. Feldheim, S.H. Gruber, and A.P. Hendry. 2008. Are indirect genetic benefits associated with polyandry? Testing predictions in a natural population of lemon sharks. Molecular Ecology 17:783-795. PDF
- Waples, R.S., and A.P. Hendry. 2008. Evolutionary perspectives on salmonid conservation and management. Evolutionary Applications 1:183-188. PDF
- Crozier, L.G., A.P. Hendry, P.W. Lawson, T.P. Quinn, N.J. Mantua, J. Battin, R.G. Shaw, and R. B. Huey. 2008. Potential responses to climate change in organisms with complex life histories: evolution and plasticity in Pacific salmon. Evolutionary Applications 1:252-270. PDF
- Carlson, S.M., R. Hilborn, A.P. Hendry, and T.P. Quinn. 2007. Predation by bears drives senescence in natural populations of salmon. PLoS ONE Issue 12, e1286. PDF
- Kinnison, M.T., A.P. Hendry, and C.A. Stockwell. 2007. Contemporary evolution meets conservation biology II: Impediments to integration and application. Ecological Research 22:947-954. PDF
- Carlson, S. M., A. P. Hendry, and B. H. Letcher. 2007. Growth rate differences between resident native brook trout and non-native brown trout. Journal of Fish Biology 71:1430-1447. PDF
- Moore, J.-S., J.L. Gow, E.B. Taylor, and A.P. Hendry. 2007. Quantifying the constraining influence of gene flow on adaptive divergence in the lake-stream threespine stickleback system. Evolution 61:2015-2026. PDF
- Huber, S.K., L.F. De Leon, A.P. Hendry, E. Bermingham, and J. Podos. 2007. Reproductive isolation of sympatric morphs in a population of Darwin’s finches. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences 274:1709-1714. PDF
- Karim, N., S.P. Gordon, A.K. Schwartz, and A.P. Hendry. 2007. This is not déjà vu all over again: male guppy colour in a new experimental introduction. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20:1339-1350. PDF
- Carroll, S.P., A.P. Hendry, D. Reznick, and C.W. Fox. 2007. Evolution on ecological time scales. Functional Ecology 21:387-393. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., P. Nosil, and L.H. Rieseberg. 2007. The speed of ecological speciation. Functional Ecology 21:455-464. PDF
- Garant, D., S.E. Forde, and A.P. Hendry. 2007. The multifarious effects of dispersal and gene flow on contemporary adaptation. Functional Ecology 21:434-443. PDF
- Schwartz, A.K., and A.P. Hendry. 2007. A test for the parallel co-evolution of male colour and female preference in Trinidadian guppies. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9:71-90. PDF
- DiBattista, J.D., K.A. Feldheim, S.H. Gruber, and A.P. Hendry. 2007. When bigger is not better: selection against large size, high condition, and fast growth in juvenile lemon sharks. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20:201-212. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., P.R. Grant, B.R. Grant, H.A. Ford, M.J. Brewer, and J. Podos. 2006. Possible human impacts on adaptive radiation: beak size bimodality in Darwin’s finches. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences 273:1887-1894. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., M.L. Kelly, M.T. Kinnison, and D.N. Reznick. 2006. Parallel evolution of the sexes? Effects of predation and habitat features on the size and shape of wild guppies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19:741-754. PDF
- Schwartz, A.K., and A.P. Hendry. 2006. Sexual selection and the detection of ecological speciation. Evolutionary Ecology Research 8:399-413. PDF
- Millar, N.M., D.N. Reznick, M.T. Kinnison, and A.P. Hendry. 2006. Disentangling the selective factors that act on male coloration in wild guppies. Oikos 113:1-12. PDF
- Crispo, E, P. Bentzen, D.N. Reznick, M.T. Kinnison, and A.P. Hendry. 2006. The relative influence of natural selection and geography on gene flow in guppies. Molecular Ecology. PDF
- Morbey, Y.E., C.E. Brassil, and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Rapid senescence in Pacific salmon. American Naturalist 166:556-568. PDF
- Moore, J.-S., and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Both selection and gene flow are necessary to explain adaptive divergence: evidence from clinal variation in stream stickleback. Evolutionary Ecology Research 7:871-886. PDF
- Morbey, Y.E., C.E. Brassil, and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Rapid senescence in Pacific salmon. American Naturalist 166:556-568. PDF
- Herrel, A., J. Podos, S.K. Huber, and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Evolution of bite force in Darwin’s finches: a key role for head width. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18:669-675. PDF
- Herrel, A., J. Podos, S.K. Huber, and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Bite performance and morphology in a population of Darwin’s finches: implications for the evolution of beak shape. Functional Ecology 19:43-48. PDF
- Crispo, E., and A.P. Hendry. 2005. Does time since colonization influence isolation by distance? A meta-analysis. Conservation Genetics 6:665-682. PDF
- Hendry, A.P. 2004. Selection against migrants contributes to the rapid evolution of ecologically dependent reproductive isolation. Evolutionary Ecology Research 6:1219- 1236. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., and E.B. Taylor. 2004. How much of the variation in adaptive divergence can be explained by gene flow? An evaluation using lake/stream stickleback pairs. Evolution 58:2319–2331. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., Y.E. Morbey, O.K. Berg, and J.K. Wenburg. 2004. Adaptive variation in senescence: reproductive lifespan in a wild salmon population. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. Biological Sciences 271:259-266. PDF
- Carlson, S.M., A.P. Hendry, and B.H. Letcher. 2004. Natural selection acting on size, growth rate, and compensatory growth: an empirical test in a wild trout population. Evolutionary Ecology Research 6:955–973. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., and E. Beall. 2004. Energy use in spawning Atlantic salmon. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 13:185-196. PDF
- Gende, S.P., T.P. Quinn, R. Hilborn, A.P. Hendry, and B. Dickerson. 2004. Brown bears selectively kill salmon with higher energy content but only in habitats that facilitate choice. Oikos 104:518-528. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., B.H. Letcher, and G. Gries. 2003. Estimating natural selection acting on stream-dwelling Atlantic salmon: implications for the restoration of extirpated populations. Conservation Biology 17:795-805. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., and T. Day. 2003. Revisiting the positive correlation between female size and egg size. Evolutionary Ecology Research 5:421-429. PDF
- Stockwell, C.A., A.P. Hendry, and M.T. Kinnison. 2003. Contemporary evolution meets conservation biology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18:94-101. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., E.B. Taylor, and J.D. McPhail. 2002. Adaptive divergence and the balance between selection and gene flow: lake and stream stickleback in the Misty system. Evolution 56:1199-1216. PDF
- Einum, S., A.P. Hendry, and I.A. Fleming. 2002. Egg size evolution in aquatic environments: does oxygen availability constrain egg size? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. Biological Sciences 269:2325-2330. PDF
- Hendry, M.A., J.K. Wenburg, K. Myers, and A.P. Hendry. 2002. Genetic and phenotypic variation through the migratory season provides evidence for multiple populations of wild steelhead in the Dean River, British Columbia. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131:418-434. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., T. Day, and E.B. Taylor. 2001. Population mixing and the adaptive divergence of quantitative traits in discrete populations: a theoretical framework for empirical tests. Evolution 55:459-466. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., T. Day, and A.B. Cooper. 2001. Optimal size and number of propagules: allowance for discrete stages and effects of maternal size on total reproductive output and offspring fitness. The American Naturalist 157:387-407. PDF
- Kinnison, M.T., M.J. Unwin, A.P. Hendry, and T.P. Quinn. 2001. Migratory costs and the evolution of egg size and number in introduced and indigenous salmon populations. Evolution 55:1656-1667. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., O.K. Berg, and T.P. Quinn. 2001. Breeding location choice in salmon: causes (habitat, competition, body size, energy stores) and consequences (life span, energy stores). Oikos 93:407-418. PDF
- Quinn, T.P., A.P. Hendry, and G.B. Buck. 2001. Balancing natural and sexual selection in sockeye salmon: interactions between body size, reproductive opportunity and vulnerability to predation by bears. Evolutionary Ecology Research 3:917-937. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., and M.T. Kinnison. 2001. An introduction to microevolution: rate, pattern, process. Genetica 112-113:1-8. PDF
- Kinnison, M.T., and A.P. Hendry. 2001. The pace of modern life. II. From rates to pattern and process. Genetica 112-113:145-164. PDF
- Hendry, A.P. 2001. Adaptive divergence and the evolution of reproductive isolation in the wild: an empirical demonstration using introduced sockeye salmon. Genetica 112-113:515- 534. PDF
- Berg, O.K., A.P. Hendry, B. Henriksen, C. Bech, J.V. Arnekleiv, and A. Lohrmann. 2001. Maternal provisioning of offspring and the use of those resources during development: variation within and among Atlantic salmon families. Functional Ecology 15:13-23. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., J.K. Wenburg, P. Bentzen, E.C. Volk, and T.P. Quinn. 2000. Rapid evolution of reproductive isolation in the wild: evidence from introduced salmon. Science 290:516-518. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., S.M. Vamosi, S.J. Latham, J.C. Heilbuth, and T. Day. 2000. Questioning species realities. Conservation Genetics 1:67-76. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., A.H. Dittman, and R.W. Hardy. 2000. Proximate composition, reproductive development, and a test for trade-offs in captive sockeye salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129:1082-1095. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., and M.T. Kinnison. 1999. The pace of modern life: measuring rates of contemporary microevolution. Evolution 53:1637-1653. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., O.K. Berg, and T.P. Quinn. 1999. Condition dependence and adaptation-by- time: breeding date, life history, and energy allocation in a population of salmon. Oikos 85:499-514. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., and O.K. Berg. 1999. Secondary sexual characters, energy use, senescence, and the cost of reproduction in sockeye salmon. Canadian Journal of Zoology 77:1663- 1675. PDF
- Quinn, T.P., A.P. Hendry, and E.C. Volk. 1999. Natural otolith microstructure patterns reveal precise homing to natal incubation sites by sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Zoology 77:766-775. PDF
- Griffith, J.N., A.P. Hendry, and T.P. Quinn. 1999. Straying of adult sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, entering a non-natal hatchery. Fishery Bulletin 97:713-716. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., J.E. Hensleigh, and R.R. Reisenbichler. 1998. Incubation temperature, developmental biology and the divergence of sockeye salmon within Lake Washington. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:1387-1394. PDF
- Hensleigh, J.E., and A.P. Hendry. 1998. Rheotactic response of fry from beach-spawning populations of sockeye salmon: evolution after selection is relaxed. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:2186-2193. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., and T.P. Quinn. 1997. Variation in adult life history and morphology among Lake Washington sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations in relation to habitat features and ancestral affinities. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:75-84. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., T.P. Quinn, and F.M. Utter. 1996. Genetic evidence for the persistence and divergence of native and introduced sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) within Lake Washington, WA. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:823-832. PDF
- Quinn, T.P., A.P. Hendry, and L.A. Wetzel. 1995. The influence of life history trade-offs and the size of incubation gravels on egg size variation in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Oikos 74:425-438. PDF
- Hendry, A.P., F.E. Leonetti, and T.P. Quinn. 1995. Spatial and temporal isolating mechanisms: the formation of discrete breeding aggregations of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Zoology 73:339-352. PDF
- Novales-Flamarique, I., A. Hendry, and C.W. Hawryshyn. 1992. The photic environment of a salmonid nursery lake. Journal of Experimental Biology 169:121-141. PDF