From a glass container/bucket that contained different pond animals collected during field sampling. From Southern Zealand, Denmark in 2007 (Lars Iversen)
Common Loon (Drizzle Lake, Haida Gwaii, BC, Canada) - by Andrew Hendry
American Dipper (Goldstream, BC, Canada). By Richard Little.
American Crow (Seattle, WA, USA). By Carl Bergstrom
Belted Kingfisher (UK). By Warren Price.
Dolomedes triton. By Sean McCann.
Red-Shouldered Hawk (San Francisco Bay, CA, USA). By Walter Kitundu.
Common Loon (San Francisco Bay, CA, USA). By Walter Kitundu.
Tern: Aleksandr Cherenkov at the Solovetsky Iselands of the White Sea
Gull: Aleksandr Cherenkov at the Solovetsky Iselands of the White Sea
Tern chicks: Aleksandr Cherenkov at the Solovetsky Iselands of the White Sea